Even nature laughs about rodents forecasting...
Most folks rolled out of bed this morning thanking whatever-higher-being-made-Fridays, they were one short work day away from the weekend. Some of us glared at the morning alarm wishing Monday morning wake up calls weren't such a shock to the system. Either way, I'm thinking not too many folks gave a fleeting thought, or care, as to whether a groundhog would see his shadow.

If I were the groundhog, I'd be moving with no forwarding address. All you need to do is look at a calendar to see that the 'first day of spring' is March 20th. Why wouldn't you expect more winter for the next six weeks?

The Pacific Northwest experienced a look-a-like spring day, with bright sunshine and minimal cloud cover, if that's anything to go by. And we didn't have to drag any rodents out of the ground to determine if a shadow would be detected. That might say something about the water they're drinking in other parts of the country. Or it's an elaborate hoax designed to distract you from realizing January flew past, and any resolutions you've made and dropped by the wayside aren't as important as waiting for Phil's forecast.

Speaking of resolutions, or as I've renamed them, challenges (love that no fail clause), week five got not only an early jump by a day, but has raised the standard for future recipes. My computer-auto-guru-repairman, we'll call him J, suggested this weeks cookie. Almond Joy Cookies. Feel free to hum along with me, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

I had a hard time keeping my hands off of these. The chewy coconut, crunchy nut and, yes, I relented, the milk chocolate all combined made me think of the candy bar. They are so good! The consensus was unanimous with the taste-testers at work and is a definite must-add-to-the-repertoire cookie.

There is so much information available via the internet, and recipes like anything else are posted by the gazillions. In my humble opinion, recipes are made to share, they've just taken on a different form than being passed along on a handwritten card. I try to give credit due when using a recipe I've found online, and as any baker/cook does, I've tweaked things to accommodate my taste, and baking preferences. I'm still a tad confused about the copyright wording and such, and hope no one thinks I'm stealing from them. So if you wish me not to link to your site or recipe, please feel free to contact me with your concerns. Phew, sorry, had to get that out before I imploded as a co-worker brought the subject up.

And last but not least, this blog is for fun. I'm not and never will claim to be a professional anything. I have a few hobbies and enjoy discussing and sharing them, and you're welcome to join. I'm pretty down to earth and relish the simple pleasures of life, and won't apologize for my opinions. It's what makes us all unique, perspective.

Last week at this time found me huddled under a comforter, candles ablaze, lighting one small corner of the room with barely enough light to read the printed page, while wondering how long the power in the Cave would be out. 

Four days later, including cold showers, treacherous roads, tree limbs dropping onto the roof, and having to literally break through ice encasing the Deathmobile, the world finally slowed its spin cycle and life returned to normal.

Today we experienced a balmy 50 degrees, sunny skies, and only minuscule traces of snow left in shaded areas of parking lots.  Quite the unexpected turn of events, and with the warmer temperatures, comes the rain. Bring it on.

To catch things up, week #3's cookie was a large success.  While baking Red Velvet Cupcakes for a co-worker, I got to wondering just how difficult it would be to make Red Velvet Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting.  This recipe is going in the keeper file even if it is considered chocolate.

The cookie for week #4 won't even make it out of the kitchen.  It's almost as disastrous as the weather last week.   I decided to play it simple and go with a recipe that didn't require a lot of ingredients and sounded simple.  Let that be a lesson, if it sounds too good to be true...  They are called Easy Lemon Shortbread Cookies and are made without eggs.  

I've since renamed them Easy Lemon Shortbrick Cookies as that is what they came out to be.  Even when I flattened to cookie first before baking.  They are dense, very thick through the middle and a heavy chew.  A kick of lemon in every bite, but too tough for me to want to introduce to anyone.  This is one of the few recipes where I didn't even finish baking the batch.  Can you say REJECTS?   I'll post the recipe, maybe someone can point out the errors of my way, and I'll definitely be researching this lemon a bit further.

The big Ice Age freeze.
Two weeks.  The holidays have been over for two weeks now and I'm still experiencing a pang of disbelief and a strong sense that I've missed something.  Quite possibly the fact that I spent almost all of December working and not enough time in the kitchen, or maybe the threat of snow has me feeling this way.

It's not that I don't like snow, I just dread playing bumper cars with the inexperienced drivers that forget with snow comes ice, and give yourself a lot more time to get there, or at least pay more attention to your driving and a lot less to the last instant text message on your phone. (The latter should be applied in any weather condition)  And remind four-wheel drive owners that it doesn't say four-wheel stop.  All of this makes me cringe when I hear snow forecasted for the local area.

Please let it hold off until at least Monday afternoon, when I'm tucked safely back in my cave and can turn the oven on for comfort and warmth.  I've put away the Christmas music and movies, even if I still have a few, very late cards to still get out. 

In the mean time, before I procrastinate further, let me post this week's cookie recipe.  This being the second week of an ongoing fifty two week challenge to try a different cookie recipe, that is new to me, each week.

I'm one of the very small contingency of folks that does not care for chocolate.  Somehow, that gene got kicked to the curb and bypassed me, so I thought this would be the perfect recipe to try.  Not only is it chocolate, but it's double the chocolate, with a small kick by way of cayenne pepper.  (Luckily I have a lot of eager taste-testers)  

Double Chocolate with Chille Cookies

Those brave enough to try them had comments ranging from, 'wow, these are great' to 'oooh, these are spicy'.  The tupperware container emptied a lot slower than normal, meaning I should slide the recipe towards the back of the repeat pile, and only bring them out when requested.  

The cookie itself came out a bit dense (possibly the chocolate powder), and refused to spread thin giving it a rounded top.  All testers agreed the cookie was moist, very chocolate-y, and about half of them ventured to suggest, next time make the cookies without the addition of cayenne pepper.

Earlier in the week I baked Snickerdoodles and Pecan Sandies.  The snicks for a book signing at my favorite bookstore, Seattle Mystery Bookshop, and the latter, a birthday request. 

I normally don't make New Year's Resolutions, except to resolve not to make any. Yeah, it's hard not to get caught up in the shiny, all-fresh, new and improved, clean slate that is ushered in with writing a different number on the end of today's date. Unfortunately, being my own worst critic, I hate failing. I'm too much of an optimist, and too big of a procrastinator (this post being only five days late) to put any faith in making myself a list and sticking to it. And seriously, I will never in a million years look like Jillian Michaels, cook like Julia Childs, or write like Shakespeare. I can live with that.

The one resolution I do remember keeping for an entire year involved baking cookies, go figure. One different cookie recipe for every week of the year. The co-workers were almost as excited as I was, since they were the major <s>guinea-pigs</s> benefactors, and sounding board for the experiment. That was several years ago, but I remember the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the year, and the addition of several new cookies to my recipe pile.

This year, I'm going to add a twist. I'm willing to try 52 new (to me) cookie recipes and will be posting the result each week, along with the reaction from taste-testers. I'll still be throwing together batches of the 'regulars', and trying to keep up with birthdays and such, so no worries to the faithful few.

I'm also asking for any ideas or suggestions. I don't expect to get Great Aunt Dorothy's family heirloom recipe, although I'm a firm believer in sharing to keep the heritage of hand-me-down recipes in circulation, and I'm willing to bake a batch in trade.

I'm also relabeling it a challenge, rather than a resolution. It sounds more goal oriented, and goes along with my reading challenge on Goodreads.

And to start the challenge, Ginger Doodles, a highly addictive and lighter version of a gingersnap. (click on name for recipe) The snicker doodle family is growing quickly with the additions last year of Pumpkin, Power, and Praline to the already popular Snick, fruit bar, and Chai versions.

May we both enjoy the upcoming New Year and all the pleasant surprises in store for us.